My all time favorite red lipsticks (in no order) are: by MAC: Russian Red, Ruby Woo, Love Goddess From the Marilyn Monroe collection and by Limecrime: Retrofuturist! (and that baby blue baby is a new toy a lipstick primer by Two Faced)
My favorite red of all time is a tie between Retrofuturist and Russian Red.
Generally whatever I call my "favorite" always turns out to be a tie.
Russian Red was my very first red lipstick. My old roommate gave it to me as a gift a long long time ago and it just sortof stuck. It really is just the perfect "retro" red. And although I hate the word "retro" it just kindof fits...

Ruby Woo was introduced to me when I was working at Idol Vintage in the Mission District of San Francisco. The best and worst thing about it is that it doesn't budge. Why is it also the worst, you ask? It is a very *very* drying lipstick. A lot of the time I will just put Russian Red over it to add some moisture.
Both Russian Red and Ruby Woo are "matte."
And lastly the Marilyn lipstick. This one just goes on pure and smooth. It is a "satin," and yes I did buy almost all the other lipsticks from that collection. I skipped the orangeyred one that I can't remember the name of and regret not buying solely because my set is incomplete!
I suppose this was more of a "favorites" than an actual review, but it is just seven days of lipsticks, mmmmkay?
Be bop-a- Lula

I'm wearing Russian Red in this picture! Along with Magic Ink liquid liner by Benefit, that strange cream brow filler by Makeup Forever, Lorac Foundation with MAC powder, and a sweet new baby from Two Faced that will get its own post at some point because it is the product I've been looking for my whole liiiiiifeeee!
And just because, here's a photo of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not. This is the movie where they fell in love.....
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