When I discovered the existence of the pressed powder I was super bummed out that I bought the loose powder, as it is known that I am terrible at using things that are loose powder. Also look how damn cute that compact is !
Black Cake Mascara

This I need solely to feed my curiosity. I had to watch a youtube video on exactly how this works, but it really looks like something I could fall in love with. There's something just so novel about being able to go through the very same makeup movements that some of my favorite silver screen sirens had perfected.
American Beauty Lipstick

So it is true that I need another red lipstick like I need a hole in the head, but then again.... you can never have enough red lipsticks.
Portrait Pink Lipstick

I think the first time I saw this lipstick was on instagram on @iddavanmunster, who is easily one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
Apricot Cream Rouge

Oddly, I wasn't able to properly locate the apricot cream rouge on the website, so please forgive my instagram shot. So I obviously need this product, as I so desperately love the classic cream rouge that they make. Also, it perfectly ties in with my cheek and lip jam(get it? Jam! Apricot!!) that I have going on.
The packaging of these lipsticks are sooo cute!