Monday, March 25, 2013

A blog post about blogging

So if you aren't familiar, Independent Fashion Bloggers is a great resource for the world that is Blog.

One of their posts the other day mentioned the whole "have great content" thing that is every blogger's advice to those just starting out (me.)

I suppose this is just a post to summarize that post real brief like and then maybe I'll give some sort of mission statement or declaration of content or a list of things, because I love lists.

On the whole, IFB stressed the importance of thinking about the readers, and the reason they are reading things on the Interwebz. We read things to get inspired, to be entertained, to be informed.

Just some snippets that really stuck out for me:

"I hear bloggers talk about their blog’s topic, that it’s about “fashion” and/or their “inspiration” which is great, but it doesn’t communicate how the blog helps another person. Even more so it does not communicate, WHY another person should read a blog about a perfect stranger’s inspiration."

"Do you take AMAZING photos, have AMAZING style? I’m saying AMAZING, like knock me out of my chair amazing. Like “Holy moly!” amazing. The sad fact is, that the market is so saturated, and has become so competitive, that if you want to make it taking photos of yourself, that you have to have AMAZING style, unless you pair it with another component, like solving a problem or making people smile."

If you want to read the whole post, which I think you should, here's da link

So, on that note, my photos and style are not particularly knock you outta the park amazing. This isn't me being modest, I take most of my photos with my cell phone camera and my style doesn't really waver from The Jetsons(a little from the past, a little from the future) and/or slutty grandmas.

What I do have to offer is a vast... I don't know if "knowledge" is particularly the right word, maybe "experience" is better suited. If this were a persuasive speech, my ethos would be "my job title is "makeup artist" (well technically 'beauty artist') and in addition to that, I am addicted to makeup. I like to try everything, ever. And maybe this blog is just an excuse to buy myself lots of makeup, but I do have every intention of reviewing it. At some point.

So here is a list of my stats--if you will-- so you can compare yours to mine when it comes to picking out your own makeup...

- I'm incredibly pale.A lot of companies do not even make a shade of foundation that is light enough for me.

- I have combination skin.

- I recently had a good six month battle with cystic acne caused by what I am about 98 percent sure was the birth control shot. Which was horrible. And now the acne is mostly gone (woo hoo ! / knock on wood so I am left with:

- terribly blotchy red skin because of said acne.

- awkwardly dry lips that basically lack any pigmentation without lipstick. So colors may look a lot different on me than others.

- lashes that stick straight out so my mascara search revolves around getting them to be curly.

- brown eyes that are fairly large.

- and other "strong" features that I sometimes hate.

So that is a list of things to be considered when reading a review of mine.

Oh, and my cat is the cutest and cattest cat. Just sayin'

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